Every moment is an opportunity to open your heart.  
Reading this email - open your heart. Doing the dishes - open your heart. Driving your car - open your heart. Chatting with a friend - open your heart. Stressed at work - open your heart.  
It's simple, it's powerful, it literally takes only seconds, and it can transform your experience of the world.
If you're wondering what I mean by "open your heart" - I'm referencing the concept in two ways.  The figurative way, meaning open your heart to love, forgiveness, hope, think of peace, dream of joy, dance with happiness in your mind and your spirit.
And I'm also referencing it in a more literal way (though not quite THAT literal of course!) of feeling into the space around your heart, sensing its presence, sensing its openness and imagining it opening further.  
One can literally "breathe" through your heart (as the wonderful folks at HeartMath teach), and studies have shown that this process of breathing through your heart lowers stress in the body, increases relaxation, helps the body heal, improves cognitive function and much more.  
Here's a super simple process to try now:
1.  Focus your attention on the area around your heart.
2.  Pretend that your breath is coming in and out of your heart.  Notice how your breathing slows and your body calms.
3.  Let go of any distracting thoughts; watch them melt away as you continue to breathe through your heart.
4.  Find one thing to feel gratitude for in your life.  
This process can take only 20 seconds, and dramatically change your state. Try it now.  Try it later.  Try it 10 times today.  And keep finding moments and opportunities to open your heart.  
I find that doing this process BEFORE tapping really increases the results I get with the tapping, for myself and for clients.  It's important, when we tap, to not just have it be a mechanical process, but to tap with presence and intention.
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